A Mumbai court has convicted Bollywood filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma in a cheque bounce case and issued a non-bailable warrant against him. The Andheri magistrate court sentenced him to three months of simple imprisonment under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act.
This verdict comes just as Varma was gearing up to unveil his new project, Syndicate. The case, which had been dragging on for seven years, stemmed from a financial dispute that has now reached its conclusion. Varma, known for his controversial films, has not yet commented on the court’s decision.
The non-bailable warrant was issued after Varma failed to appear in court for the hearing. Alongside the jail sentence, the court has directed him to pay Rs 3.72 lakh as compensation to the complainant, a company named “Shree,” represented by Maheshchandra Mishra. The amount must be paid within three months, failing which Varma will face an additional three months of imprisonment.
Varma’s financial challenges have worsened over the years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, when he was forced to sell his office due to monetary difficulties. The filmmaker, known for classics like Satya, Rangeela, Company, and Sarkar, has been navigating legal and financial troubles in recent times.