The Allahabad High Court has rejected the bail plea of a Lashkar-e-Taiba affiliate who was accused of waging war against the country and promoting arms acquisition through various WhatsApp groups.
Justice Pankaj Bhatia dismissed the bail application filed by Inamul Haque, against whom the Saharanpur police have been booked under sections 121-A (waging war against the Government of India) and 153-A (promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion) An FIR was lodged at Deoband police station. , etc.) of the IPC.
Based on the recovery of some incriminating material, it was found that Haque had allegedly created a WhatsApp group which was being used to spread ‘Jihadi’ literature. According to the FIR, he was the admin of the group and used to upload jihadi videos.
Haque admitted that he was associated with LeT and was running a WhatsApp group. The group had 181 members including 170 members from Pakistan, three members from Afghanistan and one each from Malaysia and Bangladesh. Along with this, a similar group was also being run by the applicant and people were being lured to join the said group.
The court, after hearing the parties concerned last week, said, “In the present case, the allegations leveled against the applicant and the FIR show that the applicant was the administrator of two WhatsApp groups, consisting mainly of foreign nationals, and the said groups Was allegedly campaigning.” Acquisition of arms and promotion of groups based on religious prejudices.”
“Though, right to practice and propagate religion is given under Article 19, however, from the nature of allegations leveled in the FIR, no case is made out for grant of bail, considering the seriousness of the allegation. The bail application is liable to be dismissed,” the court said.