On this special day, We wish you a happy Republic Day full of moments of pride and happiness. To All Lawyers and Advocates. Celebrate Republic Day 2025 with heartfelt wishes and inspiring messages tailored for advocates and lawyers.
“Citizenship consists in the service of the country.” — Jawaharlal Nehru
“We are Indians, firstly and lastly.” — B. R. Ambedkar
“Live life as a republic everyday.” — Faiz Israeli
Happy Republic Day 2025 Wishes Lawyers
Hold your head high;
let the world know You are Proud to be an Indian.
Vande Mataram and Happy Republic Day.
We the youth of India should take the pledge that till our last breath, we will fight terrorism, we will protect our mother INDIA with all we have — JAI HIND!!
Happy Republic Day
Republic day is the day,
When we legally became the proud citizen of India.
Let’s salute the occasion.
Jai hind and enjoy that day…
Happy Republic Day 2025!

Happy Republic Day 2025 Wishes Advocates
This is the story of the sacrifice of the heroes,
This is the sign of Mother’s sacrifice Lalo,
Don’t destroy it by fighting like this, countries are precious
Do not auction it in the name of religion.
Happy republic day
Whether Hindu or Muslim, Sikh or Christian,
My mother said we are all brothers,
Best wishes for Republic Day.

With the sacrifice of patriots,
we have become independent,
If anyone asks who they are,
they will proudly say,
we are Indians,
best wishes on 26 January
There should be respect for the nation, there should be Hindustan in every heart,
not one or two dates for the country, every breath should be for Mother India.
Jai Hindi, Happy Republic Day.
