LEGAL MAXIMS CLAT/Law Preparation: Words A and B
A Fortiori: With strong reason
A Priori: From the cause to the effect
Ab Antiquo : From ancient times
Ab Initio: From the very beginning
Abiure: To renounce on oath or affirmation
Acta Extoriora Indicant Interiora Secreta : Acts indicate the intention
Actus Legis Nemini Facit Injuriam : Law holds no man responsible for the act of god
Actus Non Facit Reum Nisi Mens Sit Rea : A guilty mind is necessary to constitute a crime
Actus Reus : Wrongful act, the physical act of involving in the crime
Ad Hoc : For a particular purpose
Ad Idem : Of the same mind
Ad Referendum : For further consideration
Ad Rem : To the point
Ad Valorem : According to the value
Addenda : List of additions
Alias : Otherwise called
Alibi : Elsewhere
Alimony : Maintenance given by a husband to his divorced wife
Amicus Curiae : A friend of court, the name is given to lawyer appointed by a court to represent a poor litigant
Animus Attestandi : The intention of attesting
Animus Deserendi : The intention of deserting
Antenuptial : Before marriage
Assumpsit : He promised or undertook
Au Fait : Conversant with
Audi Alteram Partem : Hear the other side
Auterefois : A person cannot be tried for the same offence twice
Auterefois Acquit : Formerly acquitted
Auterefois Convict : Formerly convicted

LEGAL MAXIMS CUET Preparation : Word B and Meaning
Bailiff : A subordinate officer of the court who executes writs and other court orders
Bona Fide : In good faith, honestly
Bona Vacantia : Goods that do not have an owner. Generally they go to the finder
Boni Judici Est Ansliare Jurisdictioness : It is the part of a good judge to enlarge his jurisdiction.