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Theories of Origin of State: Divine Theory, Force Theory and Social Contract Theory (Part 2)
Aristotle, who is regarded as Father of Political Science. According to him, 'State is a union of families and villages…
BALLB/BA प्रथम वर्ष राजनीतिक विज्ञान-II हस्तलिखित एक शब्द नोट्स PDF Free Download Link in hindi…
Sovereignty is a complex concept in political theory and international law, representing the ultimate authority…
What Is Power? Power is a psycho-political phenomenon. In a simple sense, it is the…
What is Sovereignty and its Characteristics? Sovereignty refers to the supreme and ultimate authority within…
Nature and Role of the State- BA LLB Notes The state is a political entity…
Evolutionary Theory of the Origin of State and its significance : Political Science Notes
Theories of Origin of State: Divine Theory, Force Theory and Social Contract Theory (Part 2)
Theories of Origin of State: Divine Theory, Force Theory and Social Contract Theory (Part 1)
Differences Between State and Government, Society or Nation - Political Science Notes ba LLB 1ST…
Aristotle, who is regarded as Father of Political Science. According to him, 'State is a…