Judiciary Legal Maxims Notes: Legal maxims are concise, Latin phrases that encapsulate fundamental principles of law, serving as guiding principles for the judiciary. These maxims are used to interpret and apply the law effectively.
Legal maxims play a crucial role in ensuring fairness, consistency, and predictability in the judicial process, contributing to the development of a just legal system.
Judiciary legal Maxims with Word E
Ejusdem Generis : Of the same kind, the rule that where particular words are followed by general words.
Emeritus : Retired after long service
En Bloc : All at the same time
En Masse : In a body
Ex Aequo Et Bono : In justice and good faith
Ex Contractu : Arising out of contract
Ex Curia : Out of court
Ex Delicto : Arising out of wrong
Ex Gratia : As a favour
Ex Nudo Pacto тАУ Non Oitur Actio : An action does not arise from a bare promise
Ex Officio : By virtue of office
Ex Parte : In the absence of one party
Ex Post Facto : Acting retrospectively
Expressio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius : Express mention of one thing implies the exclusion of another
Extra Vires : Beyond powers
Judiciary legal Maxims with Word F
Factum : An act or deed
Factum Probantia : Facts which are given in evidence to prove other facts in crime
Faux Pas : Tactless mistake
Flagrante Delicto : In the commission of the offence
Force Majeure : Beyond oneтАЩs control