legal maxims

Words N, O and P: Judiciary Legal Maxims

Legal maxims play a crucial role in contributing to the development of a legal system. You can learn it through Law Monitor for free.

Legal maxims are concise, Latin phrases that encapsulate fundamental principles of law, serving as guiding principles for the judiciary. These maxims are used to interpret and apply the law effectively.

Word N: legal Maxims

Nemo Debet Esse Judex In Propria Sua Causa : No man can be judge in his own cause

Nemo Tenetur Seipsum Accusore : No man can be compelled to incriminate himself

Nisi : Ineffective unless person affected fails to show cause

Non Assumpsit : He did not promise

Non Compos Mentis : Not of sound mind

Non Obstante : Notwithstanding

Noscitur A Sociis : Meaning of word can be gathered from context

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Noscitur A Socvis : Meaning of a doubtful word may be ascertained by reference to the meaning of words associated with it

Nota Bene (Nb) : Take notice

Nudum Pactum : An enforceable contract

Nullus Commodum Capere Potest, De Injuria Sua Propria: No man can take advantage of his own wrong

Word O: legal Maxims

Obiter Dicta : Remark of a judge

Obiter Dictum : Judge’s opinion

Word P: legal Maxims

Par Excellence : Eminently

Pendente Lite : Pending litigation

Per : As stated by

Per Annum : By the year

Per Capita : Individually

Per Curiam : By the court

Per Incuriam : Wrong decision by court, by oversight

Per Se : By itself

Prima Facie : On the first sight

Pro Bono Publico : For the good of the public

Pro Rata : In proportion

Read More Legal maxims Word A to Z

What are Legal maxims?

Where I learn or read legal Maxims for Judiciary exam?


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